Visited at Smamda Surabaya

On the morning of October 30, 2023 it is about 08.00 a.m. Students accompanied by 2 teachers of SMPN 29 Surabaya visited SMAMDA 2 Surabaya or SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Surabaya. Which is located at Jalan Pucang Anom No.91, Kertajaya, Gubeng District, Surabaya. Students and 2 accompanying teachers went to Smamda by bus. Arriving at Smamda, SMPN 29 Surabaya students and teachers were welcomed by the head and vice principal. Then students from Germany and Finland named Luca and Emelie were introduced. Students were very enthusiastic to be able to have a conversation with 2 students from Germany and Finland. They are very friendly to answer questions asked by teachers and students of SMPN 29. After having a dialog with 2 Students from Germany and Finland, students and teachers of SMPN 29 Surabaya were invited to tour the Smamda Surabaya Building. Teachers and students were first shown the facilities of the sports building, then the meeting building, the swimming pool room, then continued in the classroom building for students from class X to class XII. And the last one is shown the science lab room which is located on the 6th floor.About 11.00 a.m We had lunch at the canteen Smamda Surabaya accompanied by Luca and Emilie.They are very familiar with each other.

Smamda or sma muhammadiyah 2 surabaya is a favorite school and a pilot school in muhammadiyah. Smamda has collaborated with various countries in learning to improve the quality of its teachers. Smamda is a reference school for other schools in Indonesia and as a barometer of the development and progress of Muhammadiyah schools.

Networks with overseas schools and institutions such as Victoria Australia, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur were established. Some teachers became guest teachers in Victoria. Australia, Asia Pacific Scoutmaster Meeting in Kow Loon Hong Kong. Cultural trips to China, student exchanges to Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Australia and vice versa Smamda also received visits from other schools. In learning English, math, physics for classes X and XI, besides being taught by Smamda teachers, the school also invites guest teachers of English, math, physics from America and Germany. In the field of facilities all classes are equipped with IT equipment, Wi Fi Area, a complete library training room and guest house.

SMAMDA Surabaya is accredited A (highly satisfactory: 99.53 by BAS-S/M East Java Province in 2008), as an RSBI School by the Directorate of High School Development, Dirjend. Management of the Department of National Education. SMAMDA has 32 study rooms equipped with adequate facilities to support comfortable learning. Each room has air-conditioning facilities and is equipped with the latest multimedia systems. In 2005: Two SMAMDA students participated in an 11-month AFS Youth Exchange Student to America. And in 2018 began

Smamda has been affiliated with Bridge since 2008. Smamda's partner school is Lorne P12 College, located in Victoria. In 2009 smamda sent teachers to Australia through the Bridge program.

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